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Последните Икономически Новини

The growth of defense spending in Europe: economic impact and new jobs

Февруари, 21 2025

The German division of EY has presented a study assessing the economic impact of increased defense spending in Europe. Analysts have studied two scenarios: maintaining the current level of 2% of GDP or less, and increasing it to 3% of GDP. To strengthen independence from the United States and increase the defense capability of the EU countries, it will be necessary to invest about €65 billion annually over six years. Experts note that against the background of modern security challenges, Eu... Прочетете още

Всички Новини

RBI Aims to Tighten Monetary Policy due to Inflationary Pressure, IMF says

Август, 08 2018

With rising inflation at hand, the central bank needs to tighten the monetary policy little by... Прочетете още

South Korea Slow Economic Recovery due to Weak Domestic Demand

Август, 08 2018

The economic recovery of South Korea was restricted by the sluggish domestic demand despite the... Прочетете още

Germany’s Industrial Order Plunged a Record Low Over a Year in June

Август, 07 2018

The industrial order of Germany plunged lower in June, as the biggest drop for almost a year and a... Прочетете още

Japan Wage Growth Makes Significant Increase

Август, 07 2018

Wages for workers in Japan had a significant increase in June due to the huge amount of summer... Прочетете още

U.S. Unemployment rate Came Out Less-than-expected in June

Август, 06 2018

New jobs of 157,00 were added in the previous month by the U.S. employers, lesser than anticipated,... Прочетете още

Singapore GDP Growth Down to 3.8%, says MTI

Август, 06 2018

The economic report of Singapore for the second quarter of the year is expected to be release on... Прочетете още

Japan Services PMI Activity Subdued in July

Август, 03 2018

Japan’s services sector activity had slightly slowed down in July compared to the month of June, c... Прочетете още

Mexico’s Central Bank Kept Their Rates Steady After a Surge

Август, 02 2018

The central bank of Mexico is presumed to keep their interest rates strong following a strong climb... Прочетете още

German Factory Output Pick up in July, says PMI

Август, 02 2018

According to a survey on Wednesday, stronger new orders and increased in output supported the... Прочетете още

Japan’s Manufacturing Activity Dropped in July due to New Orders

Август, 01 2018

Japanese manufacturing activity is slower than the July forecast as reported on Wednesday which... Прочетете още

S. Korea Factory Activity Slump for Five Months in a Row

Август, 01 2018

The factory activity of South Korea declined for the fifth time in July and recorded as the worst... Прочетете още

UK Interest Rates Predicted to Grow This Week

Юли, 31 2018

The survey on top economists shows that experts are expecting for the Bank of England to lift its... Прочетете още

Indonesia’s Inflation Rate Slightly Increase in June

Юли, 30 2018

Indonesia’s annual inflation rate in July will probably rise slightly because of higher food costs a... Прочетете още

US Economy to Gain 3pc, says Mnuchin

Юли, 30 2018

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin stated his growth outlook for the American economy, he... Прочетете още

U.S. GDP to Grow Significantly, says Econ Advisor Kudlow

Юли, 27 2018

U.S. economic advisor Larry Kudlow anticipates that the GDP for the second quarter will have a... Прочетете още

ECB Rates Remained Unchanged with Underlying Growth Uncertainty

Юли, 26 2018

With the global uncertainty concerns, the European Central Bank is expected to have a... Прочетете още

“No Winner” in Trade Battle, says China

Юли, 26 2018

The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) leaders will have a three-day meeting in... Прочетете още

India and Uganda to Boost Defense Ties

Юли, 25 2018

India and Uganda made a deal to expand bilateral cooperation in terms of defense and economy after... Прочетете още

Eurozone’s Steady Growth of Consumer Confidence in July

Юли, 24 2018

Consumer confidence in the eurozone remained the same in July, signifying steadfast growth in the... Прочетете още

US Economy Benefited From China’s Weakness, says Bundesbank

Юли, 24 2018

The Deutsche Bundesbank assessed that the American economy would likely take advantage of the steep... Прочетете още

China’s Urban Unemployment Rate Dropped in June

Юли, 23 2018

China’s registered unemployment rate for the urban category dropped to 3.83 percent at the latter d... Прочетете още

Germany Imposed Export Limit Against Turkey

Юли, 23 2018

Germany increased its economic sanctions against Turkey and eased down its travel advisory as... Прочетете още

US Leading Indicators Grew by 0.5% in June

Юли, 20 2018

The Leading Economic Index by the Conference Board was able to expand by a half percent this month,... Прочетете още

Thailand Exports Grew Slower of 9.5 Percent This Month

Юли, 19 2018

The annual exports of Thailand forecast an increase of 9.50 percent in June after a sluggish rate... Прочетете още

NZ Economy Driven by Rural-Based Firms

Юли, 19 2018

The provincial economies of New Zealand were able to drive economic growth, reinforcing the price... Прочетете още

Fed’s Powell Gave an Upbeat Assessment on US Economy

Юли, 18 2018

The strong economic growth of the United States will help the central bank to maintain its gradual... Прочетете още

Weak Income Growth In UK Despite High Employment

Юли, 18 2018

Income growth in Britain showed down at its weakest rate in six months despite positive figures in... Прочетете още

South Korea to Unite with Asean and India

Юли, 17 2018

The 1950-53 Korean War ended under the Presidency of South Korean leader Moon Jae-in and... Прочетете още

Drop in Inflation Rate of Malaysia

Юли, 16 2018

The Annual inflation rate of Malaysia declined to 1.3 percent in June from 1.8 percent the month... Прочетете още

Chinese Economic Growth Slowed Down

Юли, 16 2018

China’s economic performance slackened during the quarter ending in June, which increased c... Прочетете още

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