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Последните Икономически Новини

The growth of defense spending in Europe: economic impact and new jobs

Февруари, 21 2025

The German division of EY has presented a study assessing the economic impact of increased defense spending in Europe. Analysts have studied two scenarios: maintaining the current level of 2% of GDP or less, and increasing it to 3% of GDP. To strengthen independence from the United States and increase the defense capability of the EU countries, it will be necessary to invest about €65 billion annually over six years. Experts note that against the background of modern security challenges, Eu... Прочетете още

Всички Новини

Japan Exports Rose for Eight Consecutive Months In July

Август, 10 2017

For eight consecutive months, the exports from Japan rose according to the survey from Reuters for... Прочетете още

UK Shortage of Workers Amid High Number of Jobs

Август, 09 2017

In spite of the rising wages, it seems complicated for the employers of the United Kingdom to... Прочетете още

U.S. Job Openings Soared to 6.2 Million in June

Август, 09 2017

There are about 6.2 million jobs available in the U.S. as companies are searching for new... Прочетете още

China Trade Surplus Fell to 25.2B with the U.S.

Август, 08 2017

China’s surplus trade amounting to $25.2 billion with the United States in July declined from $25.4 ... Прочетете още

Business condition in Australia Hit Highest Levels, NAB says

Август, 08 2017

Australia’s business conditions for the month of July increased reaching its maximum levels earlier ... Прочетете още

Longest Decline in UK Consumer Spending since 2013

Август, 08 2017

British consumers lessened their expenditures for the third month in July, leading them into the... Прочетете още

Indicators Remains Positive Amid Anxious Market

Август, 07 2017

Asian investors are anxious to the stock market since currencies have accelerated to high and too... Прочетете още

RBA Buoyant Economy Outlook, Rise in Retail Sales Growth

Август, 04 2017

The Reserve Bank of Australia has a positive outlook in the two years that the economy will grow... Прочетете още

Oil Price Up Amid High U.S. Demand and OPEC Supplies

Август, 03 2017

Oil prices increased on Thursday because of the narrowing of the U.S. market as well as the large... Прочетете още

GST Weighed on the economy of India

Август, 03 2017

The status of businesses in India has suffered the worst scenario during the 2008 financial crisis,... Прочетете още

U.K. Exports Rose In July as Pound Weakens

Август, 02 2017

The Markit/CIPS UK manufacturing purchasing managers' index climbed to 55.1 this month from 54.2 in... Прочетете още

UK Economy to Recover in 2018

Август, 02 2017

Based on a major study, economists became so pessimistic regarding the Britain’s economic outlook a... Прочетете още

U.S. Treasury Estimates Less Than Expected for Q2

Август, 01 2017

It is predicted that the U.S. Treasury will borrow at a smaller value than $2 billion compared to... Прочетете още

China-US trade and North Korea Nuclear Issues are Different

Август, 01 2017

According to a senior Chinese trade official, the concerns regarding the deal between the United... Прочетете още

Unpredicted Rise of Eurozone Core Inflation in July

Юли, 31 2017

The Eurozone core inflation reached a four-year high this July. This has been the highest level... Прочетете още

Below Expectations of Chinese PMI for July

Юли, 31 2017

The manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index for the month of July was at 51.4 less than the... Прочетете още

Australia’s ‘Neutral” Interest Rate at 3.5 pc

Юли, 31 2017

Both money markets and economists deemed that the time where the interest rates stimulate or... Прочетете още

U.S. Oil Price Hike Reached an 8-week High

Юли, 28 2017

The U.S. gasoline futures rallied that resulted to an increase in gains this week following the... Прочетете още

Japan Household Spending Grew 2.3% in June

Юли, 28 2017

Japan’s household expenditure in the previous month accelerated most in 2015 since the available j... Прочетете още

Positive Outlook for Major Central Banks in 2018

Юли, 27 2017

The U.S. Federal Reserve reduced its bond holdings for the year and began to narrow down its 2.3... Прочетете още

Growth in UK Film Industry Lift Economy in Q2

Юли, 27 2017

The British economy was able to accelerate slightly during the second quarter after a lackluster... Прочетете още

Expansion of Capital Markets in China Continues

Юли, 26 2017

China opens the access to capital markets for various types of investors as announced by China's... Прочетете още

Positive German Business Confidence as Economy Strengthen

Юли, 26 2017

German firms are preparing for a bountiful period on the back of a slackening summer... Прочетете още

South Korea Growth Outlook Revised to 3 Percent in 2017

Юли, 25 2017

The growth forecast of South Korea for 2017 was changed on Tuesday pledged to maintain an... Прочетете още

IMF Cut growth forecast for US Economy

Юли, 25 2017

The International Monetary Fund downgraded its growth outlook for the United States due to concerns... Прочетете още

Technological Advancement Impact to Monetary Policies

Юли, 24 2017

Development in the Information Technology sector and rising adaptability of the labor market in the... Прочетете още

RBA Maintained its Rates Amid a Global Rate Hike

Юли, 21 2017

One of the top central banks stated that the interest rates of the Reserve Bank of Australia will... Прочетете още

Higher than Expected UK Retail Sales in June -ONS

Юли, 21 2017

According to the latest reading on the strength of the UK consumer, it shows an optimistic stance.... Прочетете още

Major Central Banks Policies Turn Hawkish Forecast

Юли, 20 2017

There is a big expectation for major central banks not to implement easing of monetary policy... Прочетете още

Japan’s Economic Assessment in Moderate Recovery

Юли, 20 2017

The Japanese government maintains its basic evaluation on domestic economy indicated in the monthly... Прочетете още

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