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Отказ от отговорност:  ForexMart не предлага инвестиционни съвети и предоставеният анализ не трябва да се тълкува като обещание за бъдещи резултати.

Последните Икономически Новини

The consumer confidence index in the UK in September fell to the lowest in 6 months

Септември, 20 2024

The UK consumer confidence index in September 2024 fell to the lowest value in the last six months, amounting to -20 points, which is significantly lower than in July and June, when it was at the level of -13 points. For comparison, in September 2023, the index was at -27 points (previously reported at -21 points). All five components of the indicator showed a decrease compared to July.The subindex, reflecting consumers' assessment of their financial situation over the past year, fell to -9... Прочетете още

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