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US Consumer Sentiment Rose in December Since 2004

27 grudnia 2016
watermark Economic news

The victory of Donald Trump caused the consumer confidence index (CCI) to continuously increased according to the survey conducted by the University of Michigan. The CCI rose to 98.2 which is considered its highest level from 2004, closed to its initial estimate of 98. The growth of sentiment index seems passive compared during the post-election period which took place as the December begins and in November as well.

Moreover, consumers heightened their confidence since number of jobs are improved. However, the survey made last month showed that the people who are confident are those who attained a college degree as well as those families from the Northeast.

This improvement stimulates the hope for an economic boom, however, it does not necessarily mean for an immediate economic expansion. It is inclined with the actual data that was evaluated from the US economy amid the election period. The economists said that the confidence can be maintained but with the help of the administration who will generate evident results.

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