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UK Mortgage Approvals Decline in November

29 grudnia 2016
watermark Economic news

The data for mortgage approvals on November is driven down according to the record of the British Bankers’ Association (BBA). The figures showed 40,700 which is comparably lower than 40, 800 of the previous month. Considering an initial estimate of 40,900 the final result is worse-than-expected.

The decline in house purchase approval is 9% since November last year, while 4% drop for the past 11 months of this year. On the other hand, there was a modest change in the growth of consumer credit as it presented an annual rate of 6% despite the strong overall demand.

Moreover, the BBA stated that the low-interest rates continuously provided some firm support intended for borrowing while personal deposits increased which serves as an evidence that cash balances from consumer also rose because of the related economic concerns. However, this data will trigger for the spending levels of consumer to fall by which the overall consumer expenditures would also slow down.

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