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Inflation in the eurozone slowed to 5.5% in June

19 lipca 2023
watermark Economic news

According to the final data of Eurostat, in June 2023, consumer prices in the eurozone increased by 5.5% year-on-year. Thus, inflation in the region has reached a minimum since the beginning of 2022, slowing down compared to May (6.1%).

The data correspond to the preliminary estimate and consensus forecast of analysts.

In particular, the cost of energy carriers in the eurozone decreased by 5.6% y/y; in May, this indicator decreased by 1.8%. The growth of prices for food, alcohol and tobacco products slowed to 11.6% from 12.5% in the previous month. Inflation in the service sector accelerated to 5.4% from the previous 5%.

Core inflation (CPI Core index, excluding food and energy) was revised up to 5.5% compared to the preliminary 5.4%. The growth of the CPI Core index accelerated compared to May's 5.3%.

On a monthly basis, consumer prices in the eurozone increased by 0.3% relative to May, as previously announced.

The European Central Bank predicts that the average inflation in the eurozone will be 5.4% in 2023, 3% in 2024 and 2.2% in 2025.

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