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China is the main risk for the stock market after Trump's victory

13 listopada 2024
watermark Economic news

The American stock market reacted to Donald Trump's election victory with strong growth, reaching new historical heights. Investors enthusiastically embraced Trump's promises to lower taxes and ease regulation, which became the main driving force behind the market's growth.

However, along with optimism, there is growing concern about possible risks that could shake the stability of the market. In particular, experts point to China. Beijing's reaction to another trade war with Trump may be the most significant factor affecting the S&P 500 index.

Earlier, Trump had already imposed duties on Chinese goods, and during the election campaign promised even more drastic measures (including the introduction of 60% duties on all Chinese goods). Such an escalation of the conflict could cause significant damage to both the Chinese and American economies.

Some experts believe that China can respond to Trump's threats by limiting the supply of key components for production – rare earth metals and semiconductor chips. This could lead to serious problems for American tech giants such as Apple and Tesla, which manufacture and sell their products in China.

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