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The dollar's share in world reserves has updated its 30-year low

27 grudnia 2024
watermark Economic news

The dollar's share of global foreign exchange reserves in the third quarter reached its lowest level in almost 30 years. 

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the indicator decreased by 0.85 percentage points, amounting to 57.4%. This is the lowest value since 1995, as there are no earlier statistics.

The decrease in the dollar's share is due to an increase in investments in euros: its share increased to 20.02% from 19.75% in the second quarter. 

Investments in the Japanese yen and non-foreign currencies also increased, reaching 5.82% and 4.46%, respectively. For the yen, this was the highest since the end of March 2021.

The Swiss franc, like the dollar, reduced its share of reserves to 0.17%, which was the lowest since the end of 2021.

On the contrary, interest in the yuan began to recover: after nine quarters of decline, its share in reserves increased to 2.17% in the third quarter of 2025.

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