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Bundesbank posts two percent Inflation rate for Germany

26 stycznia 2017
watermark Economic news

Based on the report of Deutsche Bundesbank, inflation is predicted to surge for this month. Earlier in December, the consumer price index rose together with the high energy cost which began 5 years ago. The German inflation marks two percent according to the report of Bundesbank published on Monday. The recent steep increase in the average prices of the oil products caused for the inflation to escalate to two percent for January.

However, the European Central Bank targets with an inflation rate below 2% because it is the most suitable percentage in order for the euro economy to further develop.

On the previous month, the price level of consumer expenditure grew by 1.7% after three and a half years which resulted for high-priced petroleum products. This also made oil companies including the OPEC to imply for production cuts in order to improve the price of the basic material for oil.

On the other hand, analysts predicted for 1.8% inflation in 2021. The German economy continued to improved according to Bundesbank as the country’s industry remained “favorable”. The 2016 GDP expanded to 1.9% after five years and for this year, the bank expects for the same result.

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