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Steinmeier is Germany’s Next President

13 lutego 2017
watermark Economic news

The newly-elected president of Germany is Frank-Walter Steinmeier, he’s known to be the country’s foreign minister and now the 12th leader to serve the federal parliamentary republic. The 61-year old politician got 931 valid votes out of 1239 from the delegates of 16 different Germany’s states. There were 103 number of declines and 14 invalid votes.

Norbert Lammert, Bundestag president, proclaimed the final results which made the representatives respond a standing ovation excluding some members of the democratic party, Alternative for Germany (AfD). The AfD candidate got 42 votes only.

Leader of Christian Democratic Union and Chancellor, Angela Merkel said that she trust  Steinmeier as he lead the nation during period of hardships and difficulties.

Moreover, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent his congratulatory message to Steinmeier via telegram and further ask to take a Moscow visit. While the current head of the state,  Joachim Gauck will cease work on March 18.

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