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Decline in Australia’s Business Investments

23 lutego 2017
watermark Economic news

Business investments in Australia dropped for the fourth straight quarter as miners lessened while other sectors had increased their plan for expenditures for the year giving a hint of recovery. On Thursday, the report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed the decline up to 2.1 percent for the fourth quarter amounting to A$27.6 billion equivalent to $21.18 billion, higher than the expected downturn of 1 percent.

This was mainly influenced by the mining sector where spending has declined by 9 percent despite the recent increase in investments in the manufacturing sector. Even if the expenses on equipments, factories and machineries which could boost the economy, were not sufficient after an unexpected decline in the last quarter.  It is anticipated for figures to reach 0.6 to 0.7 percent economic growth in reports next week.

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