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Great Britain faces a serious energy crisis

декабря, 27 2021
watermark Economic news

Analysts do not exclude that the UK will face a worsening economic situation due to gas prices, similar to what happened during the 2008 financial crisis.

Stephen Fitzpatrick, chief executive of OVO Energy, the nation's second-largest energy supplier, compared the current state of affairs to the period between the collapse of the Northern Rock bank and the collapse of Lehman Brothers a year later.

The current crisis is not expected to end soon. Moreover, Fitzpatrick accused the British authorities of being too slow in finding suitable solutions to break the impasse.

The UK government itself said it was in constant contact with representatives of the energy industry, and promised to protect consumers from rising prices.

Among the main causes of the energy crisis in Europe are unfavorable weather, inefficient operation of wind farms this year and insufficient gas reserves in underground storage on the continent. Britain also believes that Russia was the culprit in the crisis in Europe, but Moscow has denied the allegations. He pointed out that the European Commission itself insisted on the market pricing of the energy carrier, which ultimately led to the crisis.

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