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U.S College Graduates to Enter the 'Strongest Job Market’ in a Decade, says Fed Chair

декабря, 21 2016
watermark Economic news

On Monday, the Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen spoke to the graduates of the University of Baltimore and leave the words “Get a college degree”, Yellen affirmed these to the young Americans because the U.S job market are becoming the strongest among other countries since the unemployment rate is as low as 4.6% since 2007. Moreover, policymakers also acknowledged the development in the economy for the previous week which made them decide a second-time rate hike after a decade.

The Fed Chair also stated that the future of the job seekers seems positive, particularly for a college degree holder by which the unemployed college graduates is approximately 2.3%.

She also mentioned the two important forces, improving technologies and globalization, to complete the formal learning of the higher education.  Furthermore, she did not discuss anything about her work regarding monetary policy.

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