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Saxo Bank: nuclear energy may be recognized as «green»

января, 10 2022
watermark Economic news

Experts of the Danish investment bank Saxo Bank suggest that the energy crisis of 2021 will lead to a revision of approaches to the overall assessment of energy. In particular, nuclear energy can be recognized as «green», and gas as semi-pure. Now the issue of recognizing nuclear generation as one of the elements of «green» energy is being actively discussed in the world, while Russia already officially considers the atom to be «green».

However, fossil fuels will remain relevant for a long time, because there is still a discrepancy between the amount of electricity that needs to be produced and how they are produced. The idea of replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources is technologically imperfect, and from the point of view of stability does not work as it should. 

Experts note that in the next couple of years, there may be a reclassification of fossil energy. And if nuclear energy is clean energy, then natural gas will be semi-pure, which will allow investing in both nuclear energy and natural gas.

Currently, energy prices are rising, and countries have relatively few reserves of natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or oil. Analysts assume that with the arrival of cold weather, the consumption of hydrocarbons will increase, and the cost of oil, for example, may rise to $ 100 per barrel.

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