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World oil prices hit 2014 highs

января, 18 2022
watermark Economic news

On Tuesday morning, the oil market shows prices rising to 2014 highs amid tensions between Yemen and the United Arab Emirates, which may lead to supply disruptions.

The current price of Brent oil is $87.20 per barrel (the daily maximum is $88.12), the cost of North American WTI oil is $84.28 (the maximum is $85.16 per barrel).

Oil began to rise in price yesterday after another drone attack in Abu Dhabi, which led to damage to several oil tanks and the shutdown of the international airport in Abu Dhabi. Previously, oil fields in the UAE have already been attacked in 2018.

Additional support for oil prices is provided by the general weakness of the US dollar and the recovery of global demand. Today, the dynamics of quotations may be affected by OPEC forecasts in the framework of the monthly report.

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