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Activision Blizzard shares soared after the deal with Microsoft

января, 18 2022
watermark Economic news

Microsoft Corp announced today the purchase of the creator of the game «Call Of Duty» Activision Blizzard for $68.7 billion. This deal will be the largest in the sector and will make the Xbox manufacturer the third largest gaming company in the world in terms of revenue.

The value of Activision Blizzard shares will be $95 apiece. This price is 45% higher than the closing price on Friday. Analysts note that the company's securities jumped almost 38% to $65.39 before trading was suspended.

The deal is expected to close in fiscal year 2023 and after its closure, Microsoft will become the third largest gaming company in the world by revenue after Tencent and Sony. Along with the gaming franchises, Microsoft will receive the Major League Gaming esports league.

The current head of Bobby Kotick will remain as CEO of Activision Blizzard. After the deal closes, he will report to Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer.

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