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Bitcoin skids to a 6-month low

января, 24 2022
watermark Economic news

During Monday's trading session, the bitcoin exchange rate continued the fall, which began at the end of last week. The current quote of the cryptocurrency is $33.483. The last time such price values were recorded a half year ago, in July 2021. 

Since the beginning of the week, bitcoin has lost about 9%. Analysts say the main reason for the fall is the decline in the value of shares of the largest technology companies. In particular, the head of Tesla, Elon Musk, lost $25.1 billion, the head of Meta (former Facebook), Mark Zuckerberg, became poorer by $ 10.4 billion, and Changping Zhao, the owner of the Binance cryptocurrency exchange, lost $17.7 billion.

In turn, the reason for the decline in the securities of technology giants was the widespread spread of the omicron strain, as well as the prospect of lower interest rates in the United States and the growth of instability in the world. At the same time, the main pressure on the crypto market was caused by fears of a military conflict between Russia and Ukraine – recently it became known that the United States and Great Britain began to withdraw diplomatic representatives from Ukraine. 

Many analysts predict a further decline in the value of the most popular cryptocurrency – up to $ 20 thousand.

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