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Pfizer's 2021 net income more than doubled

февраля, 08 2022
watermark Economic news

According to the financial statements of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer Inc., the net profit of the American corporation by the end of 2021 increased 2.4 times to $21.979 billion.

Diluted earnings per share for the year were $3.85 versus $1.63 per share a year earlier. Pfizer's revenue at the end of the reporting year doubled to $81.288 billion. Pfizer's revenue from the sale of vaccines in 2021 amounted to $13.914 billion against $2 billion in 2020.

According to the results of the fourth quarter, the company received a net profit of $ 3.393 billion, which is 4 times more than in the same period in 2020. Pfizer's quarterly revenue doubled to $23.838 billion. At the same time, analysts expected an indicator of $ 24.16 billion.

The company's representatives expect that in 2022, revenue from the COVID-19 vaccine developed jointly with BioNTech will amount to $32 billion. This amount also includes contracts for deliveries in the 2022-2023 fiscal year, which were signed at the end of January. Revenue from the Paxlovid anti-coronavirus drug is projected to reach $22 billion this year.

Pfizer Inc. was founded in the USA in 1849 and is now one of the world leaders in the pharmaceutical industry.

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