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Greenbacks Weakened as Japanese Yen Strengthened

сентября, 06 2017
watermark Economic news

On Tuesday, the American dollar declined against its major counterparts as tensions arise brought by the North Korea and the reluctance of the Fed Reserve to approach US investors upon returning to the market from the Labor Day holiday.

The ICE U.S. Dollar Index measures the performance of the greenbacks versus its other major six rivals, as it slid lower at 0.3% to 92.318. While, the WSJ Dollar Index gauges the dollar’s position within the larger basket of currencies, showing a downward move by 0.4% to 85.29.

Almost of the U.S. markets were not in operation last Monday due to Labor Day.

The greens further gained losses against the safe haven currencies including the Japanese yen and the Swiss franc on Monday, after the most recent nuclear test made by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

The USD was able to broke the 109 handle against the yen held during the earlier session, as it weakened to ¥108.73 which is lower from ¥109.73 on Monday.

The city of Pyongyang is predicted to prepare another missile launch sooner or later, that is possible as early as Sept. 9 during the celebration of the region’s National Foundation Day in 1948.

Moreover, the U.S. Dollar fell to 0.9551 against the Swiss franc on the back of a robust trading session and reached the 0.9583 level on Monday.

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