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Britain is Certain for a Post-Brexit Immigration Policy

сентября, 06 2017
watermark Economic news

The Britain intends to push through a balanced policy on immigration when the Brexit was finalized and left the European Union. They intend to look for highly-skilled workers while attempting to push the general statistics to move lower according to the Defense Secretary Michael Fallon on Wednesday.

A certain publication disseminated a government document on Tuesday that is supposed to be private where the scheme to lower the number of skilled workers E.U. in Britain after Brexit in 2019.

The defense secretary also noted that final plans later will be published later this year. They wanted highly-skilled people to come over their country and will open doors. At the same time, British companies are anticipated to be able to train their fellow British workers as the public also agrees with the concept of controlling the immigration instead of totally closing doors. Needless to say, they voted for Brexit referendum.

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