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Serbia called the transfer of payments for gas in rubles a serious problem

марта, 24 2022
watermark Economic news

Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the transition to settlement in rubles when paying for Russian gas exports to unfriendly countries. He also instructed the Central Bank and the government to determine in a week the procedure for the purchase of rubles in the domestic market of the Russian Federation by buyers of Russian gas. In total, Russia currently exports gas worth about $10 billion a month.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, in response to these actions, said that the transfer of gas payments to rubles would entail many problems. Vucic noted that some consider Putin's decision ingenious in the context of geopolitics and the organization of opposition to the dollar along with the yuan, but the Serbian president himself questioned its effectiveness and expediency.

Poland also does not agree with such a decision of the Russian authorities and does not see for itself the possibility of paying for gas in rubles. The head of the Polish gas company PGNiG, Pavel Majewski, said that the payment method has already been included in the contract with Russia for gas supplies, and Poland does not intend to change it. Germany also stated that the change of the settlement currency is the reason for the termination of the contract. 

Vucic also noted that there is Bulgaria, which has explicitly stated its unwillingness to conduct settlements in rubles. The Serbian President stressed that it is this country that organizes the transit of Russian gas to Serbia and Hungary.

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