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World Economy’s Best Performance in Ten Years Boosted by China

октября, 20 2017
watermark Economic news

The strong economic development of China boosted the global economy that has been perking up on its most excellent performance in 10 years. The world’s second-largest economy announced on Thursday the expansion of 6.8 percent during the third quarter, after central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan contemplated about the 7 percent pace for the second half over the weekend. Moreover, due to hints about the prospect of a sharp decline in 2018 could fade away, the economists of Goldman Sachs upgraded their projection by 6.5 percent increase next year.

Indications of growth were clearly seen in Asia on Thursday, as the central bank of South Korea further raise its economic growth outlook for the current year, and exports from Japan attained double digits for three months straight in September, while the unemployment rate in Australia reduced surprisingly.  The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has lifted its forecast for the United States, China, Europe, and Japan, stating that the global economy is performing at its fastest pace in a decade.

The Washington-based IMF predicted the world economy will expand by 3.6 percent in 2017 and 3.7 percent in 2018, showing growth of 0.1 percentage point against the earlier estimate, with the Asian region contributed 63.3 percent for the development.

The renewal of China’s import demand became the major support throughout Asia, coupled with the strong recovery in Asian exports to EU and US that made an upswing around the globe, according to chief Asia-Pacific economist Klaus Baader from Société Générale SA.

Also, Zhou mentioned that the impetus for China’s acceleration in the second half is derived from the household consumption which was indicated in the statistics issued yesterday. While the retail sales grew by 10.3 percent last month earlier this year. Aside from consumption, the Chinese data includes government expenditure that provided 64.5 percent growth from Q1 to Q3 of 2017 which shows 2.8 percentage points higher versus the same period in 2016.

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