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Trump’s Approval Rating Declined: CNN poll

ноября, 09 2017
watermark Economic news

The American citizens have high approval rating to the US economy prior the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, but the public’s confidence towards President Donald Trump has declined based on a new report. According to the result from CNN survey on Wednesday, there are 40 percent respondents who believe that Trump was able to fulfill his job and other election promises, indicating an 8 percent fall from April.

In addition to it, the 40 percent stated that Trump has the capacity to improve what the country needs as to the total of 49 percent after the voting. The declivity was brought by Republican and independents in general. Since November 2016, the Republicans who say that Trump is able to perform the much-needed change of the US was reduced by 10 percent. On the other hand, there is a 9 percent decrease for independents.

Nevertheless, there are 68% of respondents who consider the US economy healthy, the total was 11 percent higher before the inauguration of D.Trump. Contrarily, 59 percent expects for a better economic health in 2018. While 30 percent thinks Trump could further unify the country and not disunite it and 43 percent projected that he will strengthen the bond of the country in November 2016.

The United States presidential approval rating gained 36 percent since the beginning of the week, this is the lowest score since he was designated in office. The CNN polling conceived during November 2 to 5 with 1, 021 adults as a random sample. The margin of error (plus or minus) is 3.6 percentage points.

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