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The Asian market fell after Powell acknowledged the risk of a recession

июня, 23 2022
watermark Economic news

The stock market of the Asia-Pacific region on Thursday morning is mainly reduced. Investors continue to assess the prospects for monetary policy after the head of the US Federal Reserve Jerome Powell acknowledged the risk of a recession.

In particular, the Japanese Nikkei 225 fell to 26.039 points, the South Korean KOSPI fell to 2.314. The Australian ASX 200 fell to 6.425. Hong Kong Hang Seng to 21.008.

The Chinese Shanghai Composite is growing up to 3.320.15 points. Shenzhen Component up to 12.514.73.

Investors’ fears intensified after Jerome Powell said that a recession in the US economy is a very likely outcome. A sharp increase in interest rates can lead to an economic downturn.

At the same time, Powell acknowledged that the rate will continue to rise, but the Open Market Committee (FOMC) is monitoring the incoming data, which implies strict control over the situation, and monetary policy tightening will not be carried out solely on autopilot.

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