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Italian Economy Gradually Improves, says Dombrovskis

ноября, 22 2017
watermark Economic news

The economic situation in Italy is gradually improving, however, it is also important to cut down public debt, according to European Commission Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis.

Dombrovskis is expecting that the economy will grow in 2018, otherwise, it will remain below the EU average. He mentioned that debt "remains a source of vulnerability" that holdbacks the GDP of the country by 3.8% for debt servicing.

The former Latvian prime minister stated that the Italian debt has a significant cost for the country as the current environment we are living has low-interest rates, however, changes in monetary policy upon an increase in inflation will heighten the costs which could further trigger instability. He also talks about the "structural problem" including stagnant growth and insufficient production which are the considerations with regards the reforms.

Moreover, the vice president added that there are some developments among the banks in Italy while the level of impaired credits suddenly declined this year. Due to the interposition of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS) and Veneto banks, there are more or less 44 billion euros to 13.5% of the overall stock of NPLs is withdrawing from Italy’s banking system.

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