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Gas prices in Europe may rise to $2000

июля, 05 2022
watermark Economic news

Experts suggest that the cost of natural gas in Europe may rise to $2,000 per thousand cubic meters if the strikes of Norwegian employees of oil and gas companies drag on. Norwegian workers have started a strike tonight demanding higher wages.

«If in the very near future the Norwegian Organization of Managers and Managers (Lederne) does not agree with the trade unions to raise workers' salaries, the cost of gas will easily rise to $ 2,000 and above,» the economists note. 

Yesterday, gas prices in Europe rose to $1800 per thousand cubic meters in anticipation of strikes, for the first time since the beginning of March. Already today, the cost of «blue fuel» continues to grow: the current price is $1873 per thousand cubic meters of gas. 

Experts also note that the situation is worsened by the comments of European politicians that after the planned repair of the Nord Stream, supplies may not resume. 

After the strike was announced, the Norwegian oil and gas group Equinor announced that it was suspending production at three fields with a total hydrocarbon production of about 89 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day, of which 27.5 thousand are natural gas. Tomorrow, the company plans to close three more fields, where 264 thousand barrels of oil equivalent of natural gas are produced per day. 

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