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Japanese Government Additional Budget for FY2017

ноября, 27 2017
watermark Economic news

The Japanese government allocated an extra budget of 2.7 to 2.9 trillion yen equivalent to $24-26 billion for the current fiscal year until March 2018. There is an extra budget estimated worth of 1 trillion yen to boost expenditures, according to the official sources from the government

Moreover, the government will remove excess cash compared to last year’s fiscal budget and unutilized money from debt processes since the lending costs were lower-than-expected, according to reports.

There is no plan to make up with a deficit in bond issuance as long as there is ambiguity since there is still uncertainty in the future plans.

After a major election in October, the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s cabinet members aims to boost childcare support, enhance productivity involving small and medium-sized companies which would toughen competition among agricultural, fishery and forestry industries.

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