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France’s Macron Reshape Economic Ties with Algeria

декабря, 07 2017
watermark Economic news

President Emmanuel Macron of France had a one-day working visit in Algeria on Wednesday in order to discuss the restoration of economic co-operation and boost security as well. Macron’s arrival to Algeria aimed to “reshape” the disturbed relationship between the two countries due to its complicated past experiences. According to history, France colonized Algeria from 1830 to 1962.

The French leader met Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia in the afternoon to talk about the troubled situation of Libya, which is a neighbor of Algeria. Part of the discourse is the co-operation to fight against extreme measures on politics and religion within Sahel, Africa.

Even before the presidency of Macron, he already mentioned this concern during his visit last February to Algeria, particularly, the topic regarding “crime against humanity.”

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