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China stops cooperation with the United States in a number of fields

августа, 05 2022
watermark Economic news

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China announced that the PRC is severing relations with the United States in the field of justice, combating international crime and illegal migration.

China also stops discussions with the United States at the level of regional military commands and cancels working meetings with representatives of the Pentagon.

In addition, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced the suspension of cooperation in the fight against drugs. Negotiations on climate change are also suspended between the countries.

China took such measures in response to the arrival of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, despite strong discontent from the Chinese authorities. As you know, China does not recognize the independence of the island, and considers Pelosi's visit a violation of «territorial integrity». The United States also notes that the purpose of the speaker's trip is to demonstrate support for the authorities of Taiwan.

In addition to the termination of multilateral cooperation with the United States, China has also imposed personal sanctions on Nancy Pelosi herself and her relatives.

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