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Better US Economy as Fed Raise Interest Rates

декабря, 14 2017
watermark Economic news

On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve expects for a faster pace of growth in the United States, as well as lowe jobless rate in 2018. This is because the American economy gained strength and the Congress could possibly ratify business tax breaks and most families. As the economy appears to be healthy, the central bank agreed to raise its benchmark interest rate to a quarter point of 1.25 to 1.5 percent. The increase is generally anticipated action from the bank.

Furthermore, the Fed considers their decision as an optimistic hint regarding the current level of momentum of the US and international economies due to the fact that employers continue to hire, hence, businesses and families keep on spending much. The rate hike was the third time for the year and the fifth time after the bank reduce the rate to nearly zero during the recession.

The unemployment rate reached the lowest level since 2000, while growth was able to climb higher and inflation remains dull. The Fed also upgraded its growth prospects for this year and in 2018, as well. The United States is assumed to pick up by 2.5 percent in 2017 to 2018. Moreover, the jobless rate is projected to decline lower than 4 percent in the following year. The tax bill regarded to be the main driver to lift the forecast, even though the Fed failed to reach its 4 percent forecast growth pledged by President Donald Trump.

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