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The UK has reduced imports from Russia to a historic low

августа, 24 2022
watermark Economic news

According to the ONS, the statistical office of the United Kingdom, in June 2022, Britain imported goods and services from Russia in the amount of 33 million pounds sterling. Such figures have become the lowest in the entire history of observations since January 1997.

It is noted that this is 96.6% less than the average of British imports from Russia for the 12-month period from February 2021 to February 2022.

In particular, fuel imports in June for the first time decreased to zero, this happened against the background of sanctions against Russia due to the events in Ukraine. A year earlier, before the introduction of tough sanctions, it averaged 0.5 billion pounds.

Supplies of precious metals from Russia collapsed by 94.7%, to 6 million pounds. Imports of steel and steel products practically stopped and amounted to less than 1 million pounds. However, these figures were previously symbolic in terms of volumes.

Exports from the UK to Russia in June amounted to 83 million pounds, and this is 67% less than the monthly average for the pre-sanctions year. The main share of exports (61.6 million pounds) is chemical products, and medicines that have not fallen under sanctions restrictions are taken into account under this article.

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