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Forbes: world billionaires lost more than $70 billion after the speech of Fed Chairman

августа, 29 2022
watermark Economic news

According to the Forbes Real-Time rating, the richest billionaires in the world lost more than $70 billion after the speech of Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. The politician said that the regulator does not intend to soften monetary policy yet, and interest rates will continue to rise in the foreseeable future. 

According to Forbes, the fortune of the richest businessman in the world, the head of Tesla, Elon Musk, decreased by $5.4 billion after Powell's speech. Now his capital is estimated at $257.3 billion. The main owner of LVMH, Bernard Arnault, lost $4.5 billion, his fortune decreased to $161.7 billion. The capital of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos decreased by $6.5 billion to $155.3 billion.

Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page lost about $5 billion, investors Warren Buffett and Larry Ellison – $3 billion each, Bill Gates – more than $2 billion.

The only one from the list of the ten richest people in the world who did not lose his money was an Indian billionaire, the owner of the conglomerate Adani Group, Gautam Adani. His fortune grew by $1.6 billion, to $140.1 billion.

According to Forbes estimates, the richest Americans lost up to $78 billion in total after the speech of the head of the US Federal Reserve.

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