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Chinese Economy to Surpass the US in 2032

декабря, 27 2017
watermark Economic news

It is expected that China will outperform the American economy in the year 2032 based on a new report. Moreover, a report from the Centre for Economics and Business Research in London noted by  Bloomberg News further shows that next year India is predicted to get ahead to the United Kingdom and France and gain the fifth rank as the largest economy in dollar terms. In this regard, India is projected to be in the third place as the biggest economy in the world by 2027.

According to report, the four biggest economy by 2032 consists of China, India, Japan and the United States. In addition to it, Indonesia and South Korea will take the tenth place.

While President Donald Trump often brags about the American economy, as the president tweeted last week regarding the achievements of his administration over the previous year which includes the  "Record Economy/Stock Market." Trump further mentioned that earlier in December, the tax reduction in the GOP tax bill signed last week will boost investment in the US economy and its laborers.

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