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2018 Economic Outlook of Japan

января, 04 2018
watermark Economic news

Majority of the economists predicted that the economy of Japan will continue to grow this year. With Japan’s exports to increase in the current year, which was driven by robust demand from all over the world. In addition to it, the consumer expenditure will also rise moderately due to an improved labor market.

According to projections of 10 Think tanks, the gross domestic product of Japan will gain from 1 to 1.3 percent in price-adjusted real terms in fiscal 2018 that will begin in April.

The Japanese economy started to strengthen since December 2012. In case that the economy will continue to increase all through the year, it would mark the longest recovery period that began after the World War Two. However, wage hikes were surpassed by the growth in company performances and stock costs.

Economists said that a very important factor is whether the effects of the economic improvement is experienced by most of the citizens of a certain country through wage increase. While experts further mentioned about the possible challenges for the global economy.

Moreover, the challenges for the Japanese economy were discussed which includes the probable decline of its exports and gain expansion led by domestic demand.

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