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Macron Signed Trade Deals with China

января, 10 2018
watermark Economic news

French President Emmanuel Macron had an official visit to China for the first, securing multi-million worth of euro business agreement and Chinese President Xi Jinping acknowledged future relations between France and China.

France was the first western country to seal diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China in 1964 and the visit made by Macron indicates high regard between the relationship of China and France. The French leader walked through the Forbidden City along with his wife Brigitte and some students from the French international school.

The talks of the two leaders were all about the “Belt and Road” initiative aimed to improve trade links with China towards central Asia, Europe, and southeast Asia. They also tackled about environmental issues during the visit and Macron stated in Chinese language to “Make our planet great again” in Chinese, as regards to the decision of Donald Trump to pull out the United States from the Paris agreement on climate change. Aside from advancing trade links, Macron tries to reduce the trade deficit of France with China worth €30 billion (35.8 billion USD) and to have a better access towards the Chinese market.

During the signing ceremony, both Presidents signed 50 trade deals which include the strategically key sectors of nuclear energy and aerospace. On the other hand, the aeroplane business Airbus is scheduled to seal a  multibillion-euro contract with China and Chinese e-commerce company JD.com disclosed their plans of selling French products to Chinese consumers amounted to €2 billion for the next couple of years.

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