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Japan Extended Budget Surplus Until 2027

января, 11 2018
watermark Economic news

Japan will extend their target main budget surplus by two years until fiscal 2027. The government intends to spend some revenue following the sales tax increase plan on the social measure, according to the Nikkei business daily on Thursday.

A new fiscal forecast is anticipated to be reported from the cabinet office to the top macroeconomic policy panel of the government, particularly the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, which is scheduled later this month as stated from Nikkei.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe mentioned the intention to make use of revenue for the sales tax hike on 2019 for child care and education instead of recompensing public debt.

Former projections of the government for the month of July demonstrates the revision of primary surplus to fiscal 2025. Initially, the objective is to reach the surplus value for fiscal 2020, not including debt servicing and new bond sales.

However, Abe’s policy to the Liberal Democratic Party removed the deadline for the said campaign for the October election months ago and allocate the budget for welfare and education as the main focus of the campaign instead.

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