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Conservative Party Gained Support after the Government Reshuffle

января, 15 2018
watermark Economic news

Majority of Poland has supported the conservatives instead of the opposition party following the reshuffle of the government that lessens the dissatisfaction of the rivalry between Warsaw and the European Union, according to the survey.

Based on the IPSOS poll, public support to the Law and Justice party (PiS) increase by three percent from August to 4.3 percent which has been the highest reading from IPSOS polls. Meanwhile, the Support for the centrist Civic Platform has just declined to 19 percent from 21 percent. They ruled Poland for eight years until 2015 but were now indicted the PiS to have mitigated the democratic standards.

When PiS has gained control in 2015, the PiS has had a big influence on courts and state media which conflicts Poland and the European Union.

The EU executive actions were unexpected when it convoked other member states to get ready in sanctioning Warsaw if the judicial reforms become unsuccessful, which would imperil democracy.

Weeks later, few senior ministers were dismissed by the new Prime minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, including the most contentious which some critics see as part of a grand scheme to alleviate tensions and gain more support in the upcoming elections.

The popularity of the opposition group has decreased, which worsened since the debate on the new abortion law in the previous week.

The lower house parliament has decided on Wednesday to work on the bill to prohibit abortions as it would cause an irremediable effect on the fetus. Polish women have no legal resort as they have to acquire“termination”.

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