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Annual inflation in the eurozone accelerated to a record 9.9%

октября, 19 2022
watermark Economic news

According to the Statistical Service of the European Union Eurostat, by the end of September, annual inflation in the eurozone countries increased to a record 9.9%. In August, this indicator was at the level of 9.1%. A year earlier, inflation was 3.4%.

At the same time, annual inflation in all EU countries was at an even higher level. By the end of September, the growth rate of consumer prices in the region increased to 10.9%. Compared to last year's figures, the current bar has almost tripled. In August, inflation in the EU was at the level of 10.1%, and a year earlier – at the level of 3.6%.

The highest figures in September were recorded in the Baltic countries. In Estonia, the annual price growth was 24.1%, in Lithuania – 22.5%, and in Latvia – 22%. The lowest inflation rate was in France (6.2%), Malta (7.4%) and Finland (8.4%).

Analysts expect that the inflation rate in European countries will continue to grow until the end of this year. It is noted that anti-government marches have already begun in France, whose participants demand higher wages, since high inflation undermines their purchasing power.

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