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Price Hike in Oil Market leads to Inflation in Mexico

декабря, 29 2016
watermark Economic news

The Mexican government will implement a price hike in gasoline prices as much as one-fifth in the first month of 2017. This is the fifth price hike of the country to assure that it is on a direction more than the 3% target. This signals economist to change its inflation forecast higher for 2017 while forming uncertainty to Central bank’s target rate.

The Banorte Mexican bank raised its inflation outlook to 4.7% from 4.3% after making adjustments to the former ceiling price of 14.2% to 20.1%. The Brokerage FInamex will follow in raising its 4.5% inflation forecast. However, it is anticipated by banks that inflation rates would further go up in 2017 but still not exceeding the 4 percent ceiling price.

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