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Inflation in the UK accelerated to the highest since 1981

ноября, 16 2022
watermark Economic news

According to the British Office for National Statistics, inflation in Great Britain accelerated to 11.1% in annual terms in October, which was the highest since 1981. 

The rate of acceleration of inflation turned out to be higher than the expectations of experts, who predicted a price increase of 10.7%. In August, inflation was 9.9%, and in September – 10.1%.

Analysts call the increase in electricity tariffs the main driver of price growth. In addition, the rise in food prices had a strong impact on the dynamics of inflation. In particular, products in October rose in price by 16.4%, which was the highest in 45 years. The prices of milk, cheese and eggs have soared the most.

Thus, if we consider the poorest British families with a low level of expenses, who spend most of their earnings on paying bills and buying groceries, then for them the increase in inflation was more than 16% in October. The ONS also estimated that middle-income Britons spend about a third of the family budget for these purposes.

In the autumn, the British economy entered a recession, and the head of the Ministry of Finance of the kingdom said that Russia was responsible for this. According to him, it was Moscow that created a situation in the world that led to inflation and an increase in interest rates.

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