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Analysts called Apple the main indicator of the stock market rally

ноября, 17 2022
watermark Economic news

Analysts believe that the stability of the stock market in the United States at the end of the year largely depends on Apple, since its share at the current valuation of $2.3 trillion in the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 is 7% and 13%, respectively. Accordingly, the growth of Apple shares will contribute to a larger rally, given their impact on major indexes and market sentiment.

Moreover, experts expect the rally to continue also due to the imminent onset of the holiday period, which is traditionally characterized by the greatest seasonal activity. 

According to the Almanac of Stock Traders, the stock market usually ends the week on Thanksgiving Day on the rise. However, Apple may well break this trend if it demonstrates any drop. 

In this regard, analysts advise to look closely at the company's shares, since their dynamics can serve as a hint about the strength of the rally in the stock market. 

At the moment, Apple stock quotes have shown positive dynamics, however, according to technical analysis, resistance is in the range of $155 to $156. And this range coincides with the falling 200-day moving average. Thus, Apple will need decent pressure from buyers to overcome these levels.

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