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Japan called «offensive» the establishment of a price ceiling for oil

декабря, 02 2022
watermark Economic news

According to the materials of the Japanese portal Yahoo News Japan, the decision of Western countries to introduce a ceiling on prices for Russian oil is dictated by the desire to protect themselves from price spikes for this resource, which is an «offensive» and unacceptable distortion of the market.

According to the authors of the article, the construction of such restrictions raises many questions and conflicting feelings. The restriction of export prices aims to reduce the volatility of oil prices and protect Europe and the United States from surges, which «will not withstand further increases in energy prices.» And this is in a situation where the rest of the world is suffering from inflation.

At the same time, the way developed countries «jointly distort the market is simply insulting» and this decision will lead to negative consequences in the world.

At the same time, a number of analysts believe that the introduction of a price ceiling may lead to an increase in Russia's income from the sale of energy resources. If the G7 countries fail to reach an agreement with the rest of the European countries, they will have to impose an embargo on sea imports of Russian oil, which may lead to an increase in Russian revenues.

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