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Tesla shares are trading near a 2-year low

декабря, 14 2022
watermark Economic news

A lot of investor concerns about the electric car manufacturer Tesla have led to the fact that the company's shares are now trading with a forward profit of 29 times more. Tesla's market value has fallen below $500 billion for the first time since 2020. Analysts see the main risks in falling demand in China and the priorities of CEO Elon Musk. 

On Wednesday, Tesla shares are trading at their lowest level since the company went public in 2010. Economists note that the demand for Tesla electric cars in China does not meet expectations, and this forces Musk's company to reduce production and slow down recruitment. In addition, shareholders are increasingly concerned that Musk's purchase of Twitter limits his participation in Tesla.

Amid declining demand in China, Tesla plans to phase out production at its Shanghai plant from late December to early January as the production line is upgraded.

The current Tesla stock price is $158.50. The value of securities lost about 5.8%, reaching a new 2-year low. According to analysts, the stock price may fall to $150 before it becomes attractive to most investors.

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