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Economists named the amount of losses of the British economy due to Brexit

декабря, 21 2022
watermark Economic news

According to a study by the London-based analytical center for European Reforms (CER), the UK economy at the beginning of June 2022 was losing 33 billion pounds due to Brexit compared to the indicators that the country could achieve by remaining in the European Union.

CER modeled the behavior of the «twin» of the UK, which hypothetically remained in the EU. The economists also used data from other advanced economies like the UK before Brexit, including the US, Germany, Norway and Australia.

The study showed that by June 2022, the UK's GDP was 5.5% less than if Brexit had not occurred, and this means a loss of 33 billion pounds. Due to the withdrawal from the EU, trade in Britain also decreased by 7%, and investment by 11%.

The previous report of the analytical center showed that by the end of 2021, the British economy was 5.2% smaller than if the country had remained in the EU, which is about 31 billion pounds.

Recall that in a referendum in 2016, 52% of Britons voted to leave the European Union. And on January 31, 2020, the UK left the EU after 47 years of membership. The transition period, during which all EU norms and laws were still in force in the country, ended on December 31, 2020. And on January 1, 2021, the agreement on trade and cooperation between the parties entered into force.

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