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Experts advice to buy Tesla shares if they fall below $125

декабря, 21 2022
watermark Economic news

Scott Redler of T3 Trading Group, one of the well-known traders in wide circles, said that «Musk lost his halo,» which means that Tesla shares can be «bought on the fall,» since the policies and actions of Elon Musk as CEO of Twitter reduce the valuation of the electric car manufacturer.

In general, since Musk acquired the social network Twitter for $ 44 billion, the shares of another entrepreneur's company, Tesla, have already fallen by 38%. 

Redler also advised considering buying a stake in Tesla if its stock price drops to $125. The fall in the value of securities may not stop there, and there is a chance that the shares will fall in price to $ 110. 

However, at the premarket on Wednesday, Tesla shares rose by 2.48% to $141.22. However, throughout the current year, the securities have fallen along with the shares of other fast-growing companies

The fact is that investors worried about the recession and the US Federal Reserve's interest rate hike were looking for safer profits elsewhere. Since the beginning of 2022, Tesla securities have lost 61% in price.

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