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Sweden plans to promote the EU's transition to «green» energy

января, 17 2023
watermark Economic news

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said that reducing the EU's dependence on fossil fuels and switching to «green» energy have become more relevant in light of the events in Ukraine.

Kristersson noted that in the 70s, getting rid of fossil fuels was mainly an economic issue. In the 80s and 90s, it increasingly became a matter of fighting against climate change. Today, this issue has become a subject of geopolitics and security.

«The Swedish Presidency intends to play its role in this and strengthen the European Union as a leader of the green transition,» the prime minister said. 

He also noted that Sweden expects to contribute to the expected reform of the European Union's electricity market.

Today, environmental and energy transitions are among the main priorities of the Swedish government. Kristersson stressed their connection with another priority of Sweden's program in the EU Council – the competitiveness of the union. The official also noted that high energy prices carry the risk that investors may turn away from the European Union.

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