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In January Pfizer lost $40 billion of capitalization

февраля, 02 2023
watermark Economic news

In January of this year, shares of the drug manufacturer Pfizer experienced the most impressive drop since June 2020. This indicates a decrease in demand for COVID-19 products from this manufacturer.

The company's shares fell by 14%, reducing the company's market value by $40 billion. In its report, the company presented weaker than previously expected forecasts for sales of vaccines and pills for coronavirus infection. At the same time, its shares ended yesterday with an increase of 1.4% on the background of a broader market rally.

Carter Gould, an analyst at the British financial conglomerate Barclays, who assigned Pfizer shares a "Recommended for retention" rating, said that many expected the company's earnings per share to be below consensus. 

«Given the decline in stocks this month, there was hope for their recovery, but we are skeptical that this will happen in the near future,» Gould shared his thoughts. 

Pfizer's stock grew well during the pandemic in 2020-2021, as its vaccine and pills from COVID-19 brought the company billions of dollars in sales revenue.

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