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The index of business activity in the eurozone in February rose better than forecast

февраля, 21 2023
watermark Economic news

According to preliminary estimates, the composite PMI business activity index in industry and services of 19 eurozone countries rose to 52.3 points in February from 50.3 points in January. Analysts expected the indicator to grow only to 50.6 points.

If we consider separately, the business activity index only in the service sector rose to 53 from 50.8 points, and in industry it decreased to 48.5 from 48.8 points in January. Experts' forecasts were 51 and 49.3 points, respectively.

The composite PMI in industry and services of Europe's largest economy, Germany, rose to 51.1 points from the January level of 49.9 points. Analysts expected the indicator to grow only to 50.4 points. 

The PMI of the German services sector increased to 51.3 points from 50.7 points in January, in industry it decreased to 46.5 points from 47.3 points. Analysts expected indicators at 51 points and 47.8 points, respectively.

The composite PMI of France, according to preliminary estimates, rose to 51.6 points from the January level of 49.1 points. Analysts expected growth only to 50.1 points. The country's PMI in the service sector rose to 52.8 points from 49.4 points a month earlier, and in industry it fell to 47.9 points from 50.5 points. Analysts predicted indicators at the level of 49.9 and 50.9 points, respectively.

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