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The USA has doubled LNG supplies to Europe

февраля, 23 2023
watermark Economic news

During 2022, the United States doubled LNG supplies to Europe to 70 billion cubic meters. This was stated by US Deputy Secretary of State for Energy Jeffrey Pyatt.

According to Pyatt, American liquefied natural gas has become an important factor in Europe's ability to diversify energy sources after abandoning Russian energy carriers. 

According to statistics, the United States shipped more than 70 billion cubic meters of LNG to Europe, which is twice as much as in the previous year, and most of this cargo passed through Greece. It is estimated that the export potential of U.S. LNG will increase by about 50% by 2025. 

At the moment, the United States actively supports the development of many energy projects, which will allow the States to remain one of the two largest LNG exporters in the coming years (along with Qatar). 

In particular, it is worth mentioning the floating regasification station of liquefied natural gas (FSRU) of Alexandroupolis, the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), the Greek-Bulgarian Connecting Pipeline (IGB). The United States also supports a connecting pipeline with Northern Macedonia.

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