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JP Morgan: Bank of England may start tightening monetary policy

февраля, 27 2023
watermark Economic news

Analysts at J.P.Morgan Bank believe that at the meeting in June, the Bank of England will raise the key interest rate by 25 basis points, as further tightening of monetary policy will be required to curb inflation.

The bank's analytical note says that last week's strong data on business activity and sentiment in the UK run counter to the central bank's signals that inflation could have passed a turning point. These signals, in turn, made it clear to investors that the Bank of England may begin to complete the cycle of increasing the cost of borrowing.

J.P.Morgan also noted that recent data indicate some prospects for strengthening the labor market, which will require further tightening of monetary policy.

Experts suggest that if the rate is increased by 25 basis points in March, May and June, it will peak at 4.75%. At the same time, an increase of 50 bp in March is considered unlikely. 

At the same time, market participants and investors believe that the rate will peak at 4.73% by September.

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